My Husband, Hero & My Love

Jered is his name; honor is his game. How could I even think of pursuing my career without the devotion of Jered? And who would I have tea with every morning, listening so attentively?  All my thoughts are on the table with this honest man.

These past ten days, beginning June 8, were the product of his architecture. First, negotiating the Super MegaShow for me to appear at with the Batman folks and some rock ‘n roll vets who provided a music venue in which I participated. It’s always a bit harrowing for me to step into a pre-existing band but in this case the The Characters’ resume included backing The Monkees, so with little rehearsal we did a decent job. My #1 New Jersey fans, Matt Nigro and family, were there rooting me on. Thanks Matt! Gene Cornish from The Rascals has become a friend of mine and stirred up the audience with “Good Lovin”. Now he would be someone I’d love to tour with.

Finally re-aquainted with Burt Ward. Caught him sitting on a bed pillow on top of his chair while signing autographs. Here we are standing patiently for Jered to capture the moment. I love shaking hands with fans. Everyone has their own vibe. This time I connected with several very gentle souls with whom I shared some time.

My LA music officinado, Domenic Priore set me up to speak with a Jersey guy, Gaylord Fields, a DJ at listener-supported WFMU.  He hosts a show on Sundays from 5-7pm and wanted to interview me. With Jered by my side and Matt at the wheel we headed over to Jersey City to meet Gaylord. A lovely man greeted us outside the radio station, truly a one-man show. We were escorted down a corridor filled to capacity with a massive collection of Vinyl from the fifties and sixties. I stopped to peer at what I thought was an example of pop album art, but before I had it half way out Jered reminded me to keep it in it’s place. He’s not only watching out for my best interest but generally everyone else’s as well. Black velvet paintings lined the walls of this working museum of pop culture. Then into the sound booth for an hour with Gaylord. I walked into “Blowing Out the Candles” spinning on his turntable and subsequently my new version of “It Only Hurts When I Cry”. We chatted, as you will hear (listen to the interview), and then he blew my mind and showed me a copy of my daughter, Anna’s, latest release, California Fade. He then played her song “What Do You Do”, my favorite. And voila…mother and daughter share the same airwaves.  Thank you Mr. G!

All’s well that ends well as we departed to visit my husband’s family. Oh, do his children cherish their father. A few days in Pennsylvania and North Carolina with his four grandchildren proved to be exhilerating. Carina, his eldest is a ‘mensch’. Translation: a trustworthy spirit who has integrity; just like her Grandpa. The youngest, his grandson named Zaish lives up to his name. He’s a cross between Tarzan and Conan the Barbarian at 2 1/2 years. There’s never enough time to languish on those you love, so parting was such sweet sorrow as Jered’s son, Jaben, drove us to the airport.

We like to mix business with pleasure. Let’s see where my hero takes me next.

Posted in Appearances, My Thoughts | 1 Comment

No Rain ~ No Rainbows

No rain, no rainbows is a very common saying in Hawaii. I’m going to diversify it and apply it to Mondays. Mondays get a bad rap. First day of the week. No more fun and free time on the weekend. The start of another work week. Ick!

Of course this is true if you don’t love what you do. Or it could just be a mood swing. In my case this Monday, May 21st, the day after the new moon and an annular solar eclipse, knocked me off balance. I was feeling some doubt. I know when this happens it’s because I have disconnected from Spirit, i.e., the verticality that helps me to feel grounded and centered. My feelings were not well founded.

I began my morning with my usual rituals: prayer, chanting quietly, tea outside and talk with my husband. He had reminded me of a newsletter from Bob Lefsetz raving about Mick Jagger on SNL. “Let’s find it on the internet”, I proclaimed. While I was waiting for Jered to find the show, a bit of doubt came over me. A regret of not knowing this historic legend was performing on TV on a night we were home. Why were we home on Saturday night, I thought? Why were we not socializing at a party or out to dinner with friends? Maybe this sounds trivial but doubt is a very insidious feeling and can begin invading in the most subtle ways. I was losing my consciousness and beginning to spiral.

Mick Jagger was sensational on SNL. We watched the whole show, uninterrupted by commercials. His performance of “Last Time” with Arcade Fire was stellar. It made me think of how I am beginning to put a band together, one of my life-long dreams. Mick was soloing with ‘other’ bands, not the Rolling Stones. I’ve heard rumors of Keith Richards having poor health. So Mick Jagger waits for no one and dives head first into singing with a band who could be his children! I am paralleling this experience as well. the lead guitar player I am courting is my son’s age. In fact I was scheduled to meet for lunch with a 20-something background singer in just a few hours.

As I prepared myself for this meeting I grumbled to myself, caught in a void of frustration and mild anger. I took it out on my hair which just the day before was trashed by fog when I took a walk at the beach. Pinning it back, I felt depressed. I brushed it to the side; that should bring out some sensuality, but no! For several hours I was stuck in a void. “I’m not going”, I declared to my husband. He listened to me patiently and withheld any reaction. This gave me a moment in which to pull myself together just in time to make the appointment… and am I glad I did! I met a generous and talented beauty from Trinidad who would gladly take the position I offered if it were not for a commitment to work in Hong Kong for three months. We established a lovely harmony and promised to keep in touch.

As I was getting into my car the phone rang. It was Jered inviting me to join he and his friend Phil for a movie: The Avengers. Not my cup of tea but now I was in full participation of life again and back on the earth-plain, ready to live life to the fullest. 2+hours of fun, games and mayhem blew our 3D glasses off. Phil expressed interest to chill-out over dinner. I think all of our ears were slightly shattered from all the explosive sounds in the film so we agreed to have dinner close by.

We sat at an Italian Bistro called Il Pastaio and leisurely ate and talked until after 10. I told Phil about Mick Jagger being on SNL and he asked me if I ever read Keith Richards book. I said yes. He said, “Well, you know he died in 1995!” Jered and I were struck by his remark. We gazed at him puzzled. Phil began to smirk and continued to say,”Well, you said you read the book, so you know he only consumed the best drugs. He died in 1995… he’s just slow to to react!!! With that, I bid you goodnight and good day. Be patient with the blues. No Rain~No Rainbows.

Posted in Music, Film, TV, My Thoughts | 2 Comments

Moms and Mr. Moms, you are the best!

You know, being a Mom isn’t the easiest job in the world. But it’s the best!

Happy Mother’s Day

Posted in Music, Film, TV, My Thoughts | 1 Comment

Mad For Mad Men? Well, I Am!

Don Draper reminds me of the account executive at Grant Advertising who represented Dr Pepper  when I was chosen to be “The Dr Pepper Girl”. At the tender age of 16, I only knew the ‘business’ side of my  Don Draper, Mr. Robert Dillon. And Betty, Don’s ex-wife, reminds me of my neighbor on Grandview Blvd., Betty Sullivan, a blonde with a big attitude.

It’s all very familiar to me. The clothes, cars, furniture, mannerisms, corruption, cocktails, etiquette and double standards. The culture of the Sixties in America, always searching for the dream this country promises.

We see the Season 5 opener of Mad Men, after a 17-month absence, dealing with racial issues taken from an actual story in the Sixties of an ad agency, Young & Rubicam. It’s all too familiar. The time I spent in the South from 1963-1968 opened my idealistic eyes to the inequality of our Black population. Discrimination was rampant.

So… who thinks Mad Men should tell my unique story of becoming the “Dr Pepper Girl”, the years that I was their face and voice on television, radio, billboards, magazines,  countless public appearances and even in movies where I did early product placement which ultimately led to me co-starring and singing in five films?

Do you agree? If you think, like I do, that this is a story that should be told, please post it on the Mad Men Facebook Page,

If you didn’t catch the Season 5 Premier, here it is:

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Fantasy Meets the Streets

Day 1. I’ve never done an event with this many people. A crowd of 50,000 was expected. I remember my son telling me that when he played drums with REM the first time, he walked onto a stage at a Free Tibet concert with 500,000 fans cheering them on. Now that’s a very good shock to your nervous system.  Things like this can be overwhelming, but I try to stay in the moment and experience it with joy.

Jered and I packed up (mostly Jered) and hit the road for our 50 mile journey to the Anaheim Convention Center, across the street from Disneyland. I decided to bring a mannequin with the outfit I wore in my last scene on Batman’s “Joker Goes to School” episode. Hopefully it would stand up to the wear and tear. So far, it has stood the test of time (46 years) with just a little stubbornness performed by the zipper! We also brought a laptop to play my Batman episodes for fans. Old and young alike were mesmerized. I certainly know how to put a smile on their faces… just show them Adam and Burt in tights!

The PenguinThe first person I encountered was Lou Ferrigno, The Hulk himself. After all, we’re at WonderCon. It is indeed a pop culture event AND a place to dress up in your favorite super hero or villain costume. Fantasy meets the streets. Every character from Batman on was represented in some form. I especially appreciated the man who was The Penguin… impeccable nose application! To my surprise, children really do pay attention to the photos of Batman and Susie. Their parents would say, “That’s the Batman I watched on TV when I was your age”. But everyone’s favorite photo was Robin’s first Kiss! What really blew my mind were the 20-25 year old young ladies who dressed like I did in the Sixties. They wore their hair and make-up the same, too. And, they knew me!!!

Being in an enormous crowd like this and physically coming into contact with individuals who feel they know you intimately can be a challenge. It reminded me that our country’s leaders should take more responsibility for the neglect of our citizens’ health. Michelle Obama is doing her part to encourage more awareness for better eating habits and physical fitness, much like our beloved John Kennedy did in his time. Toward the end of the first day, Jered surprised me with a hot tea; organic Chamomile. Well, there is some awareness here. Kinda shell shocked, we retreated to our quiet home in the canyon to prepare for another day.

Day 2.   Rain greeted us and a drop in temperature. It never rains in California! When we arrived in Anaheim the traffic was horrendous. The convention center had several events going on simultaneously so all the nearby parking lots were full.  For two hours we waited to enter a lot one mile away. Crossing a parking lot facility in the rain, Jered toted 100 lbs. of luggage containing all my memorabilia. I lagged behind in my four inch heels. Through my rain-drenched glasses I could see a rather ominous roller coaster at Disneyland across the street. Not too many takers today! Finally we made it to the entry, sopping wet. Fans were waiting for me, asking where I’d been. I arrived at 2pm, two hours late. After a brief explanation they could see I had just romped through the sloshing rain to get there, so all was forgotten and I got down to the business of signing autographs.

I had a lot of fun taking pictures of some of the characters who dressed up in their favorite costume. My cell phone is not the latest so please forgive the fuzziness. One little boy named Benjamin really stood out; he was Batman. He looked at my picture with Adam West and then looked up at me and proclaimed,”I want to be that Batman!” His parents told me their son, only 5 yrs old, sleeps in his Batman costume and it shows. One ear flops over and the bulging muscles built into the suit have shifted his pectoralis majors… hahaha. But no matter, this little boy visited with me and shared His Dream.

Day 3.  Dreams are what it’s all about. On the third day, a young man from Arizona proved that to me. While we were setting up, this darling young man helped us reassemble our area with banners and such. He explained that his dream was to be an actor and I think he has potential. Here’s the photo we took. He came back at the end of the day to ask if he could help once again and that’s when we took this photo. His parents are a mixture of Latin American and primarily Eastern Indian, with a little Cherokee thrown in just to keep things a little east/west. To me, Sukhdan Baron, a vegan and crusader for peace, will find his way.

By the end of this marathon my voice was sooo tired. Leaving this world of pop culture enlivened me to think how history influences so many generations. But I was ready to rest my voice and depart. My junior high school friend, Janis, lives in Laguna, not far from OC, so we met to celebrate our birthdays. I’m 6 days older. A teacher and high school consultant, Janis always respects her elders; me in this case! We met in the 8th grade when we were both 13 and have been friends ever since. I told her of the wonderful experience we had and a friend who is an author, Patrick J., who inspired me to begin writing my autobiography. He was at WonderCon as part of the press and did many interviews over the three days. An extraordinary fellow!

The rain had cleared to beautiful Southern California skies. We could see forever. Amazing what a good rain can do; thank you Mother Nature. Arriving home, we literally left all the luggage parked securely in our car over night. That was a big adventure for two hippies who lived on an island for 15 years! We came home to sad news. A Kumu, someone who is an icon in the Hawaiian community, had a heart attack on the the old Kohala Mountain Road and died. My girlfriend Vicki sent me this video.

Our hearts are interconnected within. Just like the network of water flowing from the Ocean to Rivers and Streams, We are all one and will be forever. Aloha A Hui Hou

To all you Batman “Susie” fans,  GOOD GRAVY!

Posted in Appearances, My Thoughts | 2 Comments

OK, it’s my birthday!

Turning 65 in a couple of hours. Kind of thrilling to be alive and celebrating this milestone. I am being very low key and I’ll tell you why. On February 21st, I quit caffeine!

This was not a conscious decision. I have been asking spirit for a state of Grace where I will LET GO of toxic behavior; any negative thoughts or habits. Well, the first day of Pisces, I crashed. Remember, you will get what you wish for.

No more coffee, tea or chocolate. No sugar, gluten or dairy. Nothing processed which means, everything fresh except for brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal and my coffee substitute. Oh, let me tell you about this drink. it’s called Dandy Blend. My daughter introduced it to me a few years ago. It is delicious. Mostly dandelion and barley with a little chicory added for that roasted effect. A heaping tblspn goes into the blender with 1/2 tspn cinnamon, 1 tspn maca powder (a root that Peruvians swear by for longevity), a squirt of stevia for sweetness and a splash of soy milk (unsweetened). Whip it up and voila, you have a Dandy Blend Cappuccino.

So you can see I AM celebrating!

Oh it is so worth going through the withdrawal to get to the other side and look back at what you’ve done. Believe me this was Divine Intervention and I love it.

Now the real work begins: integration. There are so many distractions in the world that cause stress and what does that do to your commitment? Your body must recalibrate to your new resonance and that’s where your mind is so powerful. Now I must trust myself to be true to my beliefs and no matter how strong the temptations to remember always to be in a state of Grace.



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Let’s Have A Party! Be My Valentine

Why not consider merging your love of vintage music with the internet? Vintage meets the 21st Century! My third online concert in the Donna Loren’s Shindig! series is on February 13th @ 6:25pm pst. It’s called The Love Connection and it will be broadcast worldwide on, a virtual stage that allows LIVE musical performance while interacting with fans. I will be singing an eclectic mix of my favorite love songs for Valentine’s Day. A front row seat to a backstage experience!

This is an interactive venue, so be sure to say hello and where you’re watching from. And, invite your friends who love music to watch from wherever they are by sending them this link, Then, re-connect to share your experience. 

Blowing a kiss to you and your friends.



Watch a clip from a previous online concert:

Posted in Appearances, Music, Film, TV | 4 Comments

Chopped Salad~Personified

This salad takes a lot of the work that your digestion does and transfers it to your chopping skills. What you’ll need is everything but the kitchen sink. This salad is so versatile you may never make it the same way twice!This time my frig served me up:

6 leaves of butter lettuce; two leaves of savoy cabbage; 4 radishes; 1/3 hot house cucumber; big pinch of parsley; 1 avocado; 1 tomato; 10 kalamata olives; salt & pepper; turmeric; apple cider vinegar; fresh thyme;  extra virgin olive oil; optional white truffle oil (just a few drops)

Begin by chopping all the veggies uniformly except for tomato and avocado. Place all the chopped veggies into a bowl and toss with oil, vinegar and seasonings to taste. Slice your tomato for the foundation of your salad and build your veggie mountain over them. Top w/slices of avocado. Serves two.

Bon Appetit!

Posted in Tickles & Papenade | 1 Comment

Pinewood Studios UK

My Week with Marilyn kicked off a legendary trip back to a ‘Golden Age’ of film. Shot at Pinewood Studios in England, this homage is told from the vantage point of a lovestruck young man who worked on the set of the original 1957 film The Prince and the Showgirl, shot at the identical location, Pinewood Studios. It starred Sir Lawrence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe. In My Week With Marilyn, the characters are very authentically portrayed by Michelle Williams and Kenneth Branagh. I feel the ’57 film shows the real Marilyn at her best.

To my surprise, my darling husband, Jered, invited me to a second movie! This time at Quentin Tarantino’s theater in West Hollywood, the New Beverly Cinema. Honestly, both movies were Jered’s picks; I was his date. Seated in the beautifully restored movie house QT owns, one feels a ‘going back in time’ experience. Even the popcorn is fresh, w/real butter.

Well, Jered fixed his eyes on a movie he had seen when it opened in 1966! The science fiction film, directed by Francois Truffaut and starring Julie Christie and Oskar Werner, started out with a bang – totally captivating. One of the highlights of the evening is that the film had been restored, so the reds were brilliant – just like an old technicolor movie! Fahrenheit 451, another Pinewood Studios masterpiece.

Posted in My Thoughts | 1 Comment

A Beautiful Face

A beautiful face appeared in the crowd while viewing an exhibit at LACMA. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art is presenting an outstanding collection of mid-century art and design. Part of the exhibit was fashion. I asked my husband to start clicking away with his iPhone. Now I would have photos to send my friend Melissa who co-founded HiFi, an organization whose goal is to inspire, promote and sustain an integrated fashion community in Hawai’i. She would be thrilled to see a gold lamé one-piece bathing suit by designer Margit Fellegi from 1950-51. He captured that image and then on to, OMG, a polka-dot swimsuit jacket bathing suit ensemble. ‘Round every corner, a surprise awaited our eyes. I stood gawking over an Eisenhower jacket; nothing special to the average spectator, until I overheard an elderly woman say to her friend, “that’s an Eisenhower jacket!”. I’d been thinking it, but didn’t comment to my husband. Quietly, I interrupted her and chimed in, “I had one in a red tartan plaid”. The charming lady, with a very fifties perm in her hair (who knows, could’ve been natural; just reminds me of the perm my mother gave me when she lopped off my hair at age six. My God, I already had ringlets!), turned around to face me. I saw a clear, blue-eyed, chiseled-featured face, rather petite. She responded to my comment and said, “best thing about him!” Oh, so we’re already getting political, I thought. She made a reference to the atomic age during his presidency, which led me to divert to a phrase he coined, “Atoms For Peace”, a counter-culture statement attempting to alter the connotation from atom bomb and all things destructive to the Atoms from which we are all One! “Oh”, she said with delight, “I remember that”. Now, this darling woman had to be in her eighties, still bright and very involved with life. I continued to tell her of my son’s involvement with a musical group calling themselves “Atoms For Peace”. Well, she really lit up and replied, “music is the answer – the universal language”. Oh, dear God, can I take her home with me? We had such a moment and all over this little flesh-colored Eisenhower jacket. I was so intrigued by her, I forgot to photo the jacket. For your pleasure, though, here’s a sampling of what the bathing beauties wore back in the 50’s.

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