Out Of My Closet… Turquoise Party Dress

Look What I Found In My Closet!

As you can see, organza wrinkles, but I can accept that, can you? The show was Nightlife hosted by Bill Cullen on ABC, April 27, 1965

Ready for Easter? Wouldn’t this make a girl happy wearing turquoise organza. Dress is still in mint condition. Ruffles are “perky”.

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2 Responses to Out Of My Closet… Turquoise Party Dress

  1. Crispian says:

    Happy Easter Donna !!!

    Your Easter dress makes you look like the cute bunny that you are.
    My friend told me that happiness comes from being loved by others,
    and giving love in return. Sometimes it’s short-lived, so be optimistic!
    Hold on to the feeling. Believe in yourself and follow your dreams.
    Happiness can also be doing the things you love to do. For us Donna
    happiness is singing the songs that we love. My friend is someone
    that you know very well, singer/songwriter, Neil Sedaka.

    Connie Francis only had Neil Sedaka write her hit songs
    Connie Francis “Where The Boys Are” retrospective

    Connie Francis “Where The Boys Are” Berlin 1961

    Crispian St. Peters “Willingly” I’ll Wait For You To Be Mine

    Crispian St. Peters “What I’m Gonna Be” A Lonely Boy In A Lonely World

    Crispian St. Peters “On And On” Love has stopped, time as stopped,
    except these heartaches, these teardrops, they go on and on forever.

    Crispian St. Peters “Your Love Has Gone”
    Your love has gone, alone I stay, at the place we meet and kissed,
    and held each other tight. Oh! Your heart is a fading flower.

    Crispian St. Peters “At This Moment” Holding Gentle Your Sweet Hand

  2. Matt says:

    Wrinkles, or no wrinkles, that dress on you is a knockout and has made alot of us guys happy. I’ll bet it still fits and is perkier than ever. The heat would make those wrinkles go away. Thanks for sharing it.

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